The following awards will be given:

  • Best Paper awards given by the Award Committee basing on the appreciation of the Program Committee members. The criteria taken into account are: novelty, originality, and importance of the reported work and overall quality of the paper.
  • Best Student Paper award given by the Award Committee basing on the same criteria, but choosing out of papers written by full-time students, excluding the papers selected for a Best Paper award.
  • Best Presentation award given to oral session authors selected by vote among all participants. The criteria taken into account are: the clarity and overall quality of the presentation, and in lesser degree the technical quality of the presented work.
Award Committee: Prof. Valeriu CABAC, Acad. Mitrofan CIOBAN, Acad. Petar KENDEROV, Cor. Mem. Svetlana COJOCARU, Cor. Mem. Constantin GAINDRIC.